

Today I want to write about Mongolian language.What dou you think is the Mongolian language similarwith Russian language or Chinese language ?
   the traditional mongolian script 
実はモンゴルにはチンギスハンの大帝国の時代からとても美しい芸術的な表記文字がありました。 それは日本の書道を連想させるかもしれません
Mongolia has always had a very defined artistic from the time of the great Mongol Empire of Genggis Khan and Khublai Khan.
 その文字はソビエトの支配によって、すばらしいモンゴル帝国の文化に戻ることができないように、全ての過去(宗教、文化、 家系図 伝統的な民俗音楽…etc)と共に失われ、キリル文字に変えられてしまいました。
But it is the russians (or soviets at the time) which dealt the Mongolian arts its most serious blow, the traditional mongolian script was changed to cyrilic, religions in all its forms was banned, family lineage and traditional folk displays were ethnically cleanesed to present a more "civilized" outlook while all and any mention of the great Mongol past, of its empire, of its customs was outlowed.
              Бурхан бид хоёр
      Буйлан амаараа уйлах нялзрайхан байхад минь
     Бурхан миний дэргэд байсан
     Буруу харахад нь би уйлагнаж
     Буцаад эргэхэд нь инээж
     Бурханд би эрхэлдэг байсан
      mongolian cyrilicモンゴル語のキリル文字
Since Mongolia has escaped Soviet domination in the early 1990's there has been a strong resurgance and revival of all mongolian art forms, this is clearly visible if you spend some time in Mongolia at the present time.